jQuery Mega Image Viewer - animated zoom and pan

Last Update
4 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

The mega image viewer jQuery plugin allows you to easily replace <div> tagswith animated image viewers. Viewer used for displaying high-resolution object (image – JPG, PNG, GIF). Viewer displays the given display object inside the user-defined viewport area. Viewer allows to control the position and zoom of the object displayedinside the viewport. Viewer controls the sliding and zoom of the displayed objectso that the viewport area will be filled completely. Features: Touch support for mobile devices. Mouse or Touch drag. Mouse wheel to zoom / unzoom. Mouse click or Touch move to center viewport. Possible viewport resize on runtime. Package contains a example for building thumbnail gallery.

Package contains a example for building lightbox gallery (ColorBox Gallery). Cross-browser compatible – Image Viewer is compatible with IE, CHROME, FIREFOX, OPERA, SAFARI. Very easy installation on your html page. Very smooth animations. Fully scalable. Displays the map palette to quickly change the view using a thumbnails. Placing hotspots on images. Addition popup windows on the hotspot. Viewer functionality: set start coordinates and scale navigation bar (enabled / disabled) navigation bar autohide set the navigation bar position (acceptable values: TL, T, TR, L, R, BL, B, BR) set animation duration set drag inertia set image source from javascript {“contentUrl” : “images/my_image.jpg”} (relative or absolute path) set image source from html <img src=”images/my_image.jpg”/> dispatch event ‘mivChange’ with information whether it is possible to move and zoom the display object Updates

04.07.2013 Update external libraries included in the package to: jquery-1.10.1, jquery-ui-1.10.3, colorbox-1.4.26

22.03.2013 Fixes minor bug in Chrome browser.

31.01.2013 (V2.0) New features:

Added ability to control the size of navigation buttons. Added demo full screen mode. Other: Few minor bug fixes in to use touch devices. 19.08.2012 (V2.0) New features:

Set visibility of the buttons in the navigation bar. Displays the map palette to quickly change the view using a thumbnails. Placing hotspots on images. Addition popup windows on the hotspot. 12.07.2012 New features:

Set fit method to viewport.default: false; accepted: true, false; Shorter side of the displayed object will fit the viewport Set image scale method.default: false; accepted: true, false; If the viewport size (width and height) is greater than the size of the displayed object, allow the object scaled over 100% to fit the viewport (zoom is disabled)