AXE - Any Xml Editor

Last Update
21 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

  AXE is a very flexible online XML editor built in Php. The only server requirement to run is Php 5.2 or above and SimpleXml installed. UUU : Unpack > Upload > Use Perfect to be integrated into any existing project based on xml files

AXE is a very flexible php online XML editor. It’s designed to allow anyone to manage complex data without SQL, in fact the .xml itself is a database. The basic idea is to combine an xml parser and a cms, so you can manage a simple xml node content as if it were a wysiwyg editor, a file uploader, a select dropdown, a color picker, an iphone styled switch, even a content separator!

What you get is an xml fueled interface that allows to manage rich data without any need for sql. In addition the system uses a classical xml viewer approach, with tabs representing the parent nodes so we can handle very complex nested data. So take a look and invest 5 minutes to read the documentation, because this is a system that could really change the way you work. Think of the possibilities: an xml online editor that works out of the box, ready in 2 minutes and is compatible with any standard xml file… Main features of this xmleditor:

Built in double access level : admin (can edit config+xml files) and simple user (can edit xml files only) Xml files secured from direct loading (with .htaccess) Ajax Load and Save .xml data Can edit any standard XML file (up to 3000 nodes) and 10 depth levels (expandable) Can add nodes, each new node can be positioned before or after any existing node Can delete nodes Can edit multiple node attributes

Manage multiple nodes with same name (<item></item> <item></item> <item></item>) No need of CDATA , content will be saved with entities Customizing field option, any field can be represented as text input / select dropdown / onoff switch / wysiwyg area + image manager / uploader+ image manager / color picker / separator Automatic best-input display, based on node content detection (for example a node containing #ffffff will be auto displayed as color-picker) Can manage a tooltip message associated to each node (useful to build inline help interfaces) Can manage node element width Responsive, each element is percent width adaptive Easy to use interface, with inline help system

Install in 10 seconds, basic version (without TinyMCE) is less than 170 kb, just upload and use it!





  Credits For TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor LINK For KCFinder the very nice image manager LINK For CLEeditor the super lightweight WYSIWYG editor LINK For MINIcolorpicker LINK For jQuery TABS LINK