SoapBox Gallery For WordPress

Last Update
22 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Create a style gallery in WordPress with Views and Voting Functionality Features:

Display all posts – query by category, tag, number of views, number of votes Dynamically change the sort by dragging items. Sidebar quickview with title, feature image, excerpt content, post gallery, avatar, author name. Optional related scroll – show authors other items. Set post per page. Pagination is ajax loaded – the user does not leave the page when cycling through all the gallery pages. All gallery images are loaded into prettyPhoto lightbox with gallery option. Dynamically sort gallery items by date(ascending, descending). Dynamically sort gallery items by amount of votes(ascending, descending). Scrolling effect on top and bottom right sidebar elements mouseover and auto scroll of right sidebar when the gallery is above the window. Pins the right sidebar to the top of the window so its always in view. Mobile ready – tap override for scrolling on mobile devices.

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