MediaBlender - WordPress Gallery Plugin

Last Update
1 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

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MediaBlender 1.4.3 MediaBlender is a highly customizable media showcase that allows you to finally show all of your media – easily! It comes packaged with 3 gallery styles, so you’ll be able to make use of it in multiple areas of your site.

Lightbox Gallery – Create a grid of thumbnails that open up in a slick little lightbox.

Slider Gallery – Show your attachments directly in your content in a compact, yet dynamic slider.

List Gallery – Stack your attachments vertically in your post so they can all be seen just by scrolling down your page.

Admin Demo Page username: tester password: testing123

Options & Extras MediaBlender comes packed with a bunch of options and some cool extras. Check out the quick list below.

Let people comment on any and all your attachments! Set custom thumbnail sizes. Add links to images. Add a timer to slider and lightbox galleries. Custom Vimeo & YouTube mime types to easily use Vimeo & YouTube videos throughout your site. Use the Vimeo & YouTube attachments to quickly insert a basic Vimeo or YouTube shortcode into your post. Shortcode generator to easily insert galleries into your posts & pages. Dashboard widget to quickly view all of your galleries. Set global gallery settings on the MediaBlender Settings page. Set custom gallery settings within the shortcode generator. Custom image selection drop-down to set poster images for uploaded videos and audio. Set default poster images for uploaded videos and images.

What’s NEW from Metaphor Creations:

Update Log

= 1.4.3 = jQuery bug fix = 1.4.2 = Various bug fixes = 1.4.1 = Fixed attachment insert issue with WP 3.5 = 1.4.1 = Added auto-updating functionality Adjusted a couple lines of code for image attachments = 1.4.0 = Updated image attachment code Add auto-updating ability = 1.3.2 = Fixed custom thumbnail size issue for YouTube & Video videos = 1.3.1 = Fixed a filename error in the last update that broke the plugin = 1.3.0 = Fixed error where custom thumbnail sizes were breaking for audio & video attachmentss = 1.2.0 = Removed a couple extra functions that weren’t being used Modified code to allow the plugin to work with WordPress installs located in a sub-directory = 1.1.0 = Set custom thumbnail sizes Add links to images Add a timer to slider and lightbox galleries Additional performance & bug updates