FormEngine - WordPress Contact Form Wizard

Last Update
17 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

FormEngine FormEngine is a form builder plugin for WordPress. You can have as many forms as you like. You can build any sort of form:

Single Page Forms Multi Page Forms Booking Forms Popup Forms

You can view completed form submissions inside your WordPress dashboard. FormEngine uses a drag and drop interface to make creating and updating forms quick and easy.


Quick and easy setup Ready for translation Unlimited forms, sections and questions Drag and drop form builder Client and server side field validation Form statistics Import/Export form data and structure Email notifications CAPTCHA security

More than 15 field types, including:

Single line input Paragraph text Password Email Date select Time select Checkboxes Acceptance (e.g. accept terms and conditions) Dropdown menu: Multiple choice Text File upload Special fields (e.g. state/country dropdown lists)

Custom CSS Progress bars Success and error page redirects Dedicated support


2DMonkey Support Form