Facebook Viral Content Locker for WordPress

Last Update
23 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This plugin enables you to lock a content (text, video, images, etc…) inside your WordPress posts or pages, and let your users only access it after connecting with their Facebook account.

Your users will need to authorize your app to access your content, and you can define a message that will automatically get posted on your visitors Facebook wall. You also get your visitors emails stored in your database, and you can export your users data as a CSV format from this plugin settings page. Features - Lock any content on your pages/posts - Visitors need to connect with your app to unlock your content - Lock an unlimited number of contents (on several pages/posts) - Autopost your message and page URL on your visitors Facebook wall - Get your users email address in your database - Export users data to CSV - Shortcode support - Customize the title and message on locking page - Customize the backgroud, link and text colors of the locking page - Customize the message posted on users wall - The most easy way to create premium content reserved for connected users - AJAX powered plugin settings page.Demos - Demo 1 (locking an embed video) - Demo 2 (locking an article)Updates 23 June 2013 - Updated to our latest server side Facebook authentication system19 December 2012 - Updated to support latest Facebook API changes, and newest WordPress (v3.5) - Whole new code base with a more powerful plugin settings interface - Ability to have multiple locked content on the same page ! - Ability to customize the locked content box CSS, unlocked box, and also the clickable call to action title and message underneath it.

Shortcode Use examples Here is the general shortcode (using the custom data set in the plugin settings page): [fb_wpress_content_locker id="1"] My locked content comes here [/fb_wpress_content_locker]

Here is the shortcode used for our demo 1 customized with parameters: [fb_wpress_content_locker id="2" title="Are you ready to unlock the secret content?" message="A message and link to this page will also be posted on your Facebook wall !" autopost_message="I have just unlocked a video with the new Facebook Content Locker plugin for WordPress by Yougapi !"]<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XXAzGGX2tpw" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe> [/fb_wpress_content_locker]

Standalone Facebook content locker