Reservations Calendar

Last Update
5 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Item Description: The Reservations Calendar plugin allows users to ‘rent’ a time interval on specific dates using PayPal


Clean design Lightweight Easy to interact with it Simple payment method via PayPal Shortcode and widget Only CSS3, no images Cross Browser support

Shortcode usage: [reservations name="Calendar Name" price="0.5" email="" limit="true" minimum="10" currency_code="USD" currency_symbol="$" currency_left="true" currency_decimal="," available="everyday{00:00-24:00}"/]

@param name This is the calendar name, this one will show up in PayPal item name.

@param price This is the price per 10 minutes.

@param email This is your PayPal email address.

@param limit Does not allow to select older days (default to true)

@param minimum The minimum amount of time that can be reservated (default to 10)

@param currency_code This is the currency code to use for PayPal (default to USD)

@param currency_symbol This is the symbol to show on calendar (default to $)

@param currency_left Put symbol on the left of the number (default to true)

@param currency_decimal This is the decimal mark. If this is comma, the digits are grouped with a dot, else with a comma (default to ,)

@param available This is the time available for reservations. This is in the following format:

available=”month.when{startHour-endHour, startHour-endHour, ...}, ...” where: - month can be any of month names in english or the word “any”, or nothing - when can be one of the following: everyday, mondays, tuesdays, ..., weekends, weekdays, day1, day2, ... - startHour is in the format hh:mm, where hh are hours in 24h format, and mm are minutes - endHour same as above

NOTE 1: Only hours in the same bracket group adds. Otherwise it overrides. If you have “everyday{14:00-15:00},mondays{12:30-13:00,13:30-14:00}”, then everyday you will have 14:00-15:00, but mondays you will only have 12:30-13:00 and 13:30-14:00. NOTE 2: The priority is this: explicit month and explicit day, explicit month and weekends / weekdays, explicit month and everyday, any month and explicit day, any month and weekends / weekdays, any month and everyday.

For example, summer is not available, every working day of autumn, winter and spring from 09:00 to 18:00, but mondays only from 09:00 to 15:00, but also from 19:00 to 23:00. The rule should look like this:available="june.everyday{},july.everyday{},august.everyday{},weekdays{09:00-18:00},mondays{09:00-15:00,19:00-23:00}"


jQuery CSS3 PIE jquery.event.drag Walkway Condensed font


[05.03.2013] Fixed some issues [06.09.2012] Released version 1.1 [13.06.2012] First release