WordPress Flipper 2.0: Flipbook style slider!

Last Update
16 June 2012
Regular License
Extended License

[25/11/2012] Customer Support Update

Hello everyone! I have an announcement to make regarding customer support. It has been a hard couple of months for me and I was unable to provide support due to lack of time, but that will change. I want to thank all of my customers and to apologize for not providing support.

In an effort to provide super fast, quality support and to save precious time I have purchased a ticket support system which I’m installing as I write this. It will be available soon at www.nikolaydyankovdesign.com/support and I encourage everyone to use it. The support forums at support.nikolaydyankovdesign.com will be taken down shortly after the new system is up and running.

Thanks to everyone again for their patience and tolerance, I really appreciate it!


What is Flipper? Flipper is a WordPress plugin that lets you transform any content to a beautiful book-like slider!

Does it support touchscreen devices? Yes! Flipper is very optimized for touchscreen. In fact, it feels even better when you flick the pages with your finger!

Can I change the size of the widget? Of course. The plugin can accept width and height as parameters.

Can I remove any of the UI elements of the widget? Sure. You can specify in the parameters if you wish to disable the arrows or the pager.

Do I have to use just text? Absolutely not. Flipper comes with 10 preset layouts and you can effortlessly switch between them, upload images and even spice it up with some CSS. All from the admin panel!

What about older browsers? If the browser doesn’t support CSS3 3D transforms, the widget gracefully falls back to pure jQuery. As a best practice, it doesn’t do browser sniffing!