Hierarchical Categories Tree

Last Update
16 April 2013
Regular License

What is It This application provides to store Infinite Category and Subcategory in a Hierarchical method It use zebra-mptt class (i’ve modify some things in this class for ours use) to store, edit or view categories, and use some jquery plugins. Zebra-mptt use “MODIFIED PREORDER TREE TRAVERSAL” method, for more details take a look here Features Add Category: every category should have a parent category, if you not choose any subcategory it will be a root category. It is based on zero based parents method. Active or Deactive any Categories.

When you enter a new Category or Subcategory the system controls if it existing

Edit existing Category or Subcategory. You can move each Category in each tree

Delete a category with its related subcategory

Advanced search

A nice pagination

All action are based on Ajax technology Requirements PHP 5 .2.x or later MySQL 5.x or later 1 MySQL Database Package categories.sql file to import table in database Documentation Stand-alone complete version Credits jQuery jQuery-ui qtip Flexigrid Livequery Dialogize Validate Highlight Zebra_Mptt Update – 17 April 2013

Fixed bugs when categories are edited