
Last Update
4 August 2013
Regular License

About Tickets

Tickets 3.4 is now out.

Tickets is a full featured, yet easy to use help-desk ticket support system.

It is great for users and businesses who wish to keep track of and manage support requests online.

You can create multiple users, search tickets, convert POP3 emails into tickets, create custom priorities and much much more.

Tickets has been designed to be easy to install and all config files and database files are created during the install. You simply need a web hosting account and one free MySQL database (no programming is required).

You can easily upgrade to new versions free of charge. All your existing settings, users and tickets are kept intact.

Full Online Documentation


Free Support

We have our own support portal. If you require any help with your purchase of Tickets please sign up and log a support ticket. We will attempt to help you with what ever questions or issues you have.

The portal is here: You will need your purchase code, here is a screenshot of how to find it:

Online Demo Default Theme (with all plugins installed)


Username: admin Password: 1234

This online demo includes all the plugins that we have released, you can enable them from Settings -> Plugins if you wish to try them out.

Morning Theme (with no plugins)


Username: admin Password: 1234

Classic Theme (with no plugins)


Username: admin Password: 1234

Note: Plugins work on all themes, but are only installed on the first demo.


Some of the features include:

Easy to use with a clean design Full web installer Free Upgrades 3 different Themes are included (two which are fully responsive and work great on your mobile device) Easy to customise language through a single file. Timezone Support Access to the source code (license allows you to modify the code for internal purposes) Single Install License (unlimited Users and Tickets) User Registration & Forgot/Reset Password Guest Portal Ticket Search File Attachments POP3 Downloader (create and reply to tickets via email). Supports multiple POP accounts. Email Notifications Departments HTML Tickets with WYSIWYG Editor SMTP Support. Supports multiple SMTP accounts. Six User Permission Levels Custom Priorities, Custom Status (with colour picker), Custom Fields and Custom Email Notifications Mass Open/Close/Delete Tickets Gravatar Plugins Support (free SmartBackup plugin on Active Directory and/or LDAP Support HTTPs/SSL Support Private Messages Pushover Notifications for iPhone and Android Update Checker Security Logging (plus many more built in security features) Uses a range of PHP 5.3 features including PDO database class and namespaces.

Paid Plugins

Paid plugins can be purchased directly on CodeCanyon.

Note: Articles is a 2-in-1 plugin. You now get Articles and Forums in the same purchase!

Free Plugins

SmartBackup Plugin (BETA)

Free plugins can be downloaded from our Portal. Simply register with your Tickets purchase code to get access to the download.

System Requirements

Most web hosting companies should support everything below. If you have any questions please contact us.

PHP 5.3+ MySQL 5+ with 1 empty database PHP PDO MySQL Extension PHP able to write files to the installed directory Apache with Rewrite Module A Web Browser that supports HTML5/Javascript (for the client)

Release Log

Version upgrades are free.

Release Log: