Webgen Thumbnail and Gallery Slideshow

Last Update
9 July 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Webgen photo gallery creator is a web based template which uses the latest technologies to create a gallery of your photographic work and/or products. THERE IS NO PROGRAMMING REQUIRED . The script automatically scans your Gallery folder and populates the web page automatically. It creates the Slideshow, Thumbnails and Gallery’s with the following features. 8 July 2012:Hi all, important update coming this week (v1.2), currently, the thumbnails are directly taken from the full size image, this has now been replaced by a php class that automatically creates the thumbnails for each image in the gallery’s. The class automatically detects any new images and creates the thumbnails in real time, No programming of any type is required by the user. This improves page load times dramatically. (PHP gd library is required for this class to work).

v1.2 – Fixed image resize during animation, 1 pixel mismatch. v1.2 – Fixed last buffered image showing when changing Gallery. v1.2 – Automatic thumbnail generation for images in the gallery.

v1.1 – Option to switch on/off Thumbnails. v1.1 – The Gallery thumbnails are generated using a Thumbnail.jpg image in each Gallery folder for faster load times.

v1.0 – Ajax/jQuery animated slideshow. v1.0 – Ajax Submit form with jQuery validation. v1.0 – Categorized folders, automatically creates the gallery thumbnail list, all you have to do is create a sub folder under the FTP folder Gallery and transfer your images (No programming required, everything is done automatically). v1.0 – Slideshow and Thumbnail preview option. v1.0 – Slideshow progress indicator showing time elapsed for current slide and progress of all slides. v1.0 – Optimized for performance. v1.0 – Option to start a Gallery when the page loads. v1.0 – Option to load an Image when page loads. v1.0 – Option for images to Span to Size or Constrain Proportions. v1.0 – Option to set Label fade in/out speed. v1.0 – Option to set Slideshow delay. v1.0 – Option to set Width and Height of image after on-click event. v1.0 – Option to set thumbnail transition speed. v1.0 – Dynamic scrolling. v1.0 – Automatic next image buffer for smooth transition.

The images are not provided but can be obtained from http://www.wallcoo.net/