MySQL Database Navigation and Pagination

Last Update
19 August 2010
Regular License
Extended License

MySQL Database Navigation and Pagination


If you are working with hosting MySQL databases, and pick up data from them frequently, this script may make your life easy working with them.

navigate and paginate to your databases tables; Filter table data on the fly without coding SQL ; export table data(may contains filter conditions) to csv etc. format; SQL Editor helps you fire queries from database and export the resultset; Web based MySQL shell emulator for the command-enthusiast; download, uncompress and use it. no configuration needed.

This is a drag-drop to use script. Just download the zip and uncompress it to your web directory, than start to use.

This script will populate all databases with your account, you can choose to hide some database by chaning the configuration.

Setting IP whitelist

In most cases, you just want to allow accessing the item at some ips(at home or at work), in this case, please configure the whitelist. All ip addresses not in the whitelist will be denied to access the service. Please go to the installation directory, and open the application/config/config.php file, and find the following line:

$config[‘white_list’]=; i.e. Edit it to $config[‘white_list’]=’;’;’‘

you may have known, only ~ and allowed to access the service.

Support Any question about me and my scripts, please let me know. I’d like to help

Contact Form


PostGreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server Support version PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server version available soon at, You can contact me to get a beta version now.

[NEWS]DbFacePHP for MySQL V2.0.1 Released!

Release Notes

I would like your comments, new feature request (i will implement it), also new design requests / suggestions.

Live demo: