Lyrics and music player for iPhone

Last Update
1 June 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Lyrics and music player for iPhone


This project is a well designed lyrics and music player for iPhone.

User can easily edit the playing list (plist format) to perform their own music resource.

Smooth lyrics playing animation. lyrics font, color and the highlight color as well as other settings are easily customizable so any change is easily implemented.

Four mode of playing integrated (sequence, single cycle, all cycle, and random play)

Custom skins for Slider Controller is also included, so you can change the look of the default slider.

The Project comes fully documented (pdf) and the code is clean : it will be easy for you to re-use in your own project.

REQUIREMENTS : iMac/MacBook Pro/Macbook Air/Macbook (check Appleā€™s website to know if your mac is compatible with at least Xcode 4.2) You can build the app on the iPhone Simulator but you will need a $99/year account to build the app on your device or to submit it on the Appstore :