Membership Manager Pro

Last Update
9 April 2013
Regular License

Fully featured User Management System with PayPal and Moneybookers subscription integration.Update 09. Apr. 2013. Prior to update follow install instructions.

Compatibility for new PayPal api

Update 26. Jul. 2011. Prior to update follow install instructions.

Fixed: Missing user id when editing user Fixed: Sending newsletter when only user is admin Fixed: User Ajax search wrong url Fixed: Help section

Replace the following files:/lib/class_core.php/lib/class_user.php/lib/class_membership.php all files in /admin/ folder Update 16. Jul. 2011. (v.2.0)

Automated signups and expirations Automated account expiration handling Built in News Manager Built in Newsletter Manager Database Backup/Restore Customizable Email Templates Easy Protected Page Builder - Paypal - Moneybookers Subscriptions/One time payments Automated cron jobs Built In Help Section for easy integration Built in contact form Fully Ajax, Powered by jQuery Transaction records – charted Site Maintenance —Delete Inactive users —Delete Banned users Automated install wizard and lot more…

NOTE: Due to a completely rewritten script structure, and membership processing, there is no upgrade option available.Please note that some features are disabled in demo mode! Admin area Demo Username: admin Password: admin