Bogogno 2.0 | Blog & Utility App

Last Update
22 May 2012
Regular License
Extended License

—-—-—-—- SNEAK PEAK OF VERSION 3 .0 NOT FINISHED -—-—-—-—-—-—

Thanks to everybody for the support, now I’m trying to implement a sliding menu like the new Facebook 5.0 iPhone app

Development status: 70%

Hi everybody!

I developed this beautiful app that includes tons of features and it has a beautiful interface GUI . With this app you can read the latest news from a RSS Feed, See pictures of a phtogallery and many more features.

It’s very simple and fast to setup your app and to send it yo Apple…. Yes you heard right, send it to Apple, cause this app is ready to be approved by Apple with no adding new features or hiring developers.


Here is a list of features:

-Read any RSS Feed

-Beautiful Interface GUI

-PDF Reader

-Post & Web Pages Caching


-Contact Form

-Stunning Animations

-Motion & customizable Splash Screen, you can add buttons and everything else!

-Web Browser

-Live Webcam

-Image Gestures Slider

-Easy to Customize

-Ready for App Store, No problems with Apple!

-Google Analytics

If you need further support comment this app or send me an e-mail thru CodeCanyon contact form, you can do it by visiting my profile.

I’m also available for freelance work, I only accept payments thru PayPal. I’m also and iPhone designer, contact me at

Support’s email: I will try to reply to You within 72 hours.

Thanks & enjoy it!

-Andrex’s Dev Team


Version 1.2 (The latest, it will be released in 48 hours)

- Corrected all errors with TimeScroller.m/.h & YLProgressBar, now just press the build button and enjoy it!

- Code Optimization

- Corrected some graphic issues

- First alpha testing for iPad Version, But this version will be different from iPhone version.

For any bugs found just contact us at

Version 1.1

-Fixed a lot of bugs

-Now the app should work on iOS 4.3.3

-Now the TableView of the News is dynamic, when You scroll it the cell moves everywhere, that’s a good effect

-I’ve added an Action Sheet to change the animations of the Cells (TableView)

-Corrected some Graphic bugs

-The project is now compatible with ARC & iOS 5.1.1 Beta

-Preparing app for iPad release

-Corrected all the files and licenses

Initial Release 1.0

-Lots of Bugs