Data Validation for .NET

Last Update
10 March 2010
Regular License

Update: 22-03-2010

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Precaution is better than Cure

Data validation acts as the first step of defense against the bugs. To maintain a solution it is important to have validations to prevent the invalid data creeping into the database.

This class consists of the commonly used validations which you will find useful in your project. Each line of code is commented in detail for quick understanding of the method.

Implementation is pretty simple. You will just have to pass your input data and check for the boolean.

Instructions for use:

Usage of the methods in class are pretty straight forward

1 ) IsInteger (string value);

if (DataValidator.IsInteger("123") { //Valid Data } else { //Invalid Data }

2 ) IsAlpha(string value) ;

if (DataValidator.IsAlpha("data2")) { //Valid Data } else { //Invalid Data }

3 ) IsDecimal(string value);

if (DataValidator.IsDecimal("2.234")) { //Valid Data } else { //Invalid Data }

4 ) IsIPAddress(string value) ;

if (DataValidator.IsIPAddress("")) { //Valid Data } else { //Invalid Data }

5 ) IsURL(string value);

if (DataValidator.IsURL("")) { //Valid Data } else { //Invalid Data }

6 ) IsEMailAddress(String value);

if (DataValidator.IsEMailAddress("me(at)")) { //Valid Data } else { //Invalid Data }

7 ) IsHexColor(string value);

if (DataValidator.IsHexColor("#FFFFFF")) { //Valid Data } else { //Invalid Data }

8 ) IsDate(string value);

if (DataValidator.IsDate("12-Jan-2009")) { //Valid Data } else { //Invalid Data }

All the best