
Last Update
9 May 2012
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Extended License

eXtroForms (M-T)* – the form component for Joomla 2.5

eXtroForms allows the user to create any number of forms, which in turn can contain any number of input fields. *This is the mid-tier product version of eXtroforms. This version get only Security updates. The entire range of available HTML input fields was mapped to eXtroForms.

An input field can be created in the backend as easy as writing a standard Joomla article, then you determine the position at which it will be displayed on the form and that’s it. For this there are 5 different display positions.

Of course you can copy the fields, delete or rearrange them if you are not satisfied with the original arrangement. A preview function in the backend ensures that you can preview your form at any time, without the hassle of sharing it in the frontend.

In the front end 4 different output options are available: static tooltips, instant tooltips, tooltips with sliding effect or bubble-tooltips. The layout can be customized via CSS in the backend, every single form has it’s own CSS style sheet, so that maximum variability is guaranteed. The meta-information (description, title and keywords) can also be specified separately per form.

If a user has filled in the form in the frontend, he can receive (depending on the settings in the backend) a confirmation email and be forwarded to a selected thank you page.

eXtroForms is also perfectly suitable for multilingual sites: From Joomla 2.5, the forms can be translated natively without an additional component.

To protect your form against misuse, you can secure it in addition to the built-in security-mechanisms by extro-media.de with Google ReCaptcha. If a filled in form should still be spam then this request will be filed automatically under suspicion of spam. You can view this folder in the back end separately, and if you decide that an inquiry is not spam, you can move it with a single click to the normal requests.

You can view all queries in the backend or export them via CSV or XML .

eXtroForms was built completely from scratch according to the Joomla MVC design and is based on the Joomla Framework. It produces no so-called spaghetti code in the frontend, is XHTML and CSS3 compliant and accessible through the renunciation of tables and is therefore ideal for users and search engines.

Quick Overview

Any number of forms Any number of fields 4 different layouts Anti-spam mechanisms Can be used as autoresponder Inquiries exportable by CSV / XML Simple operation Joomla MVC compatible Easily adaptable a new ajax upload function has been included you can now set the upload directory nicer styles for the backend have been included