
Last Update
24 September 2010
Regular License

The name says it all ! Included are 14 different skins to choose from and a template file (png format) to make your own. I’ve also simplified the setup process with an option generator and a preview in the documentation (can be seen in screenshots). All of the skins can be seen in the preview.

Features :

Very easy to set up. Adjusts to time zones. No need for a JavaScript library. No need for a CSS file, it’s all done dynamically with JavaScript. Easily skinnable. The possibilities are endless! You can use any image type that the browser can display. You can choose to either display a message, show a link or redirect to a different page when the countdown reaches zero. You can set the colour, font and size of the message that’s shown (defaults to black if the colour doesn’t exist and defaults to Helvetica if the font doesn’t exist). If you choose to redirect you can set a timer giving people enough time to see the message before redirecting. Completely cross-browser (It worked in every browser I tried, even IE 5 .5!). Tiny file size, roughly 2kb compressed. Plays nicely with all other JavaScript files (including all the popular JavaScript libraries).

It’s not built to count down to anything that’s more than 999 days away which is about 2.7 years as I thought it was unlikely anyone would need to count that far in the future and it helps keep the code small and simple.

*Please rate it if you like it!

Updates :

Now supports a link or redirect when countdown reaches zero. Fixed a bug where the option generator didn’t escape apostrophes, causing a JavaScript error (thanks awerm for finding this out ). Gave the documentation a makeover .