Base - Role Based Access Control(cakephp plugin)

Last Update
29 April 2010
Regular License
Extended License

Base is a Cakephp Role Based Access Control System Plugin, There are two ways you can make sure of it. One way is to plug-in it into your Existing Cakephp project, another way is to start a Cakephp project from Base.

As a Cakephp plugin, Base is very powerful and easy to integrate it into your Cakephp project.

As a role based access control system, firstly you have to define modules, then create roles and assign access rights to modules for each role, then you need to create users and assign each user a role. finally you will have a fully working RBAC system.

Simply speaking, Base gives a ready-made RBAC system. According to Wikipedia,role-based access control (RBAC) is an approach to restricting system access to authorized users.

Please note the Demo site is still using version 1.2 V1.4 updated: 17 April 2010

1.shifted webroot/css/base, webroot/js/base, webroot/js/img to plugin’s vendors folder add/delete icons

3.change sidebar menu to be dynamic menu

4.update permissions on the fly( no need to relogin)

5.brand new Css layout

6.minor code optimization

7.updated manual pdf V1.3 updated: 08 April 2010 1.change AccessController component to AclComponent 2.shift auth functions to component AuthComponent 3.code optimization V1.2 updated: 10 March 2010 1.move business logic to model, form a better MVC structure 2.add javascript confirmation box when deleting 3.add validation rules to model V1.1 updated: 09 March 2010 1.updated models: base_user.php , base_role.php, base_module. This will remove html tags when save user,role,module.