Simple System Status

Last Update
10 July 2009
Regular License

This is a very simple system status script written in PHP . It uses the fsockopen function to open a connection to the designated IP address on the designated port using the TCP protocol.

If the response is positive the script will report the port/service as up. If after a specified time the query gets no response, the script will report the port/service as down.

This script is ideal for Hosting Providers/Resellers who:

Do not have the option of displaying their provider’s service status.

Do not have the programming knowledge to intergrate with their provider’s service status API .

Do not like the look of their provider’s status page and would like to create their own. It’s also ideal if you have your own dedicated box, or locally hosted server and would just like a simple and easy way to view the current status of a server/port.

Just get the IP address of the server you want to query along with the port number and enter it into the script where indicated and the script will just work. You can either link to the page directly, include it in another page using PHP include or include it in your page using an iframe.

The code is extensively commented and should (i hope!) be easy enough to follow.

It uses CSS for styling so again should be easy to modify if you would like it to match your website’s design, I’ve tried to make it as simple looking as possible so it should match a wide range of site designs without requiring too much modification.

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