Website Diagnosis - Complete website checkup tool

Last Update
22 May 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Website Diagnosis is a cool tool for detecting broken & invalid links through out your website. Complete website check for broken or invalid links. It also has the ability to detect Link Redirects & track the Redirected URL and also capable of Parked Domain detection.

Using this tool, you can easily track down invalid/broken links, page redirects, parked domains anywhere in your complete website. Features

Complete website check for broken links

Keep a track on the DOM Performance in each page. Its a performance best practice to have the count as much low as possible. This tool highlights pages DOM Performance in a very intuitive manner so that you don’t go around counting in each page

Detect links which redirect to other pagesMany times we face with such problems of updating all the redirecting links. This feature helps out a lot in such cases by listing down the list of all the redirect links in your complete website.

Detect Parked Domains [Beta]

Get a detailed summary of each link – Trace down the source of Broken links in just seconds

Change Log Version 1.3 – 21 May 12

New Feature – DOM Analysis This enables the detection of DOM elements in a page – The lesser the DOM elements the better the performance.

Version 1.2 – 14 May 12

Bug fix – Added nesting to subfolders when parent url redirects Enhancement – Ability to parse & follow ../ links

Version 1.1 – 08 May 12

New Feature – Page speed analysis Bug fix – Removes 404 error for pages which require Referrer to be set & increased the depth of redirection from 2 to 4

Upcoming Features

Detection for JS & CSS broken links Detection for Broken or invalid image links

[Note] The demo link provided here might be slow since its being hosted on my own machine, low bandwidth actually!

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