Frontend Administrator Menu

Last Update
9 May 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Joomla has a wonderful administrator backend that allows you to configure and change your entire site. Normally, people building sites have to keep multiple tabs open in their browser to have both the front and backend visable at the same time. Now you can easily access the Joomla Administrator pages directly from the frontend with Adminbar!

Adminbar is a great Joomla plugin that adds the administrator menu to the frontend of your website for logged in users, and shows the menu items the user has access to manage.

The Adminbar system plugin allows you to give specific user groups the ability to see the administrator menu across the page on the frontend, which opens any administrator page in a modal window for quick and easy access.

Build for Joomla 2.5, it lists all components and menu links you expect to see in the administrator. It is also multilingual, so it will show the items in the same language of the user.