Slide Panel

Last Update
2 March 2010
Regular License
Extended License

Slide Panel is a JavaScript library, designed for easy creation of animated slides. You can create interactive slider with images, text and links, by using simple, declarative approach.

It uses SVG or VML as backend (making use of Raphael JS library) and it works across all major browsers.

You can use it side by side with any other library you need, like JQuery or MooTools.

To create a slideshow, you will need to create a html structure (so it is search-engine friendly!) and then, write a configuration in JavaScript — but it’s easy. An extensive documentation with examples is provided.

When writing configuration, you will have to specify key frames with desired attributes (like opacity or position) and that is why Slide Panel is so flexible. You will be able to create very customized slides with many transitions effects, like scaling, changing position, rotation or color.

What is more, you will be able to create event handlers for any object, e.g. for events like “onmouseover”.

I have included production-ready JavaScript file (49 KB — gzipping can further reduce size down to 16 KB). It contains all you need to use Slide Panel, along with stripped down version of Raphael library (original Raphael library weights 57 KB).

Images included in demo are Creative-Commons license: