
Last Update
2 May 2012
Regular License

While creating may web sites for my customers, I have noticed that I always face the same problems. So I decided to create a simple to use CMS which simplifies the most common tasks. The SimpleCMS allows you to easily integrate galleries, sliders, picture walls, forms, Google Maps, QR Code and youtube videos.

The application is built on a modular structure, this way you can easily create your own modules, templates and SmartTags.

The SimpleCMS allows you to create complex forms using simple drag and drop gestures. You can add textboxes, textareas, dropdown lists, radio buttons, checkboxes and captcha to your form. For each field you can define validation rules. Tutourials

Screencast Create your own template


Easy to install Easy rebrandable (Inset your company logo in the Header) Limitable (You can limit the disk space and the number of pages/galleries/forms) Galleries Contact Form Google Maps Youtube and Vimeo Vidoes