Paradigm Slider WordPress Plugin

Last Update
6 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Paradigm Slider WordPress Plugin The premium way of using a slider in your WordPress website. A combination of Parallax Effect, state-of-the-art Slider and Text Animations defines this slider. Customize unlimited sliders with our own Drag&Drop Slider Editor to your very needs.  Give each slider a parallax caption to transport your message. Touch swipe for iOS and Android mobile devices is of course included. So it works on every modern browser (including IE7 /8) and on mobile devices. Version 1.2.2 Released

bug fix: on widget area, when you save a slider, only the first one was appeared. change: changed the help link to ticksy. bug fixed: fixed global a:visited styles in settings.css change: changed include directions between settings.css and captions.css bug fix: removed from banner output change: improved “cssOriginal” slider output bug fix: fit the slider to work with other themepunch sliders

Features Drag&Drop Slide and Caption Editor Compatible with the latest WordPress version (currently 3.3) Unlimited Sliders Easy Integration in your Theme Sourcecode, your Sidebar or your Posts/Pages Image and Thumbs fully resizable Using CSS Animation with FallBack to jQuery Optional Parallax effect Unlimited Caption Layers Unlimited Slides iPhone & Android Swipe Touch enabled jQuery Conflict free plugin Customizable 100% via Plugin Parameters / CSS / HTML Easy installation in your Website Special Easing Example Page included Vimeo & Youtube Supported   The images seen in the preview are licensed from fotolia and are NOT included in the download. The download of this template contains placeholder images with dimension labels. WordPress Themes by ThemePunch

Components by ThemePunch