Multipurpose Bookshelf Slider - Wordpress Plugin

Last Update
28 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Multipurpose Bookshelf SliderWordpress Plugin is useful for displaying products such as books, magazines, dvd, cd and others. It’s a way to showcase products in an attractive manner. Features of “lightbox” to display images, videos (Youtube and Vimeo) and any html content (Wordpress editor). Can be added detailed content to each product. Easy to add into WordPress using widgets or shortcodes. See the Live Preview and Screenshots for more details.


Crossbrowser compatibility;

Shortcode (Full setup);

Widget (Full setup);

Set any width and height. Set width in percentage (responsive layout);

Gallery style;


Can display images, Videos (Youtube and Vimeo) and any html content (Wordpress Editor). Or external pages;

Easing transitions;

Easy to configure and use;

Compatible with Wordpress 3.1 or greater;

PSDs and screenshots included;

HTML documentation included;

Integration with WooCommerce plugin;

Support for the default Wordpress post / category

Support If you need support, please send an email via my user profile (Email Support). Emails sent on weekdays are answered within 24 hours. Emails sent on weekends will be answered on Monday. Thank you!


v 2.2 (26 Mar 2013) replaced the “image_resize” function (deprecated) with “wp_get_image_editor”

replaced the “browser” jQuery function (deprecated) in jQuery 1.9.1

v 2.1 (5 Mar 2013) added navigation/scroll for categories (buttons).

v 2.0 (14 Fev 2013) The content within the lightbox now opens with ajax, instead of using iframes.

v 1.9 (24 Dec 2012) added order and orderby options.

added “show thumbs effects” option.

v 1.8 (6 Nov 12) added support for the default Wordpress post / category

added support for the WooCommerce plugin, using its products and categories

v 1.7 (28 Aug 12) added feature to open the lightbox according to screen resolution

was removed the option to customized the content style of the lightbox (admin area only)

v 1.6 (1 Jul 12) added the option to open a new window for each product

added the parameter ‘nopaging’ for the queries

v 1.5 (14 Jun 12) bug fix – strip_tags parameter in widget

added close button in lightbox

v 1.4 (28 May 12) added option to exclude products in shortcode and widget.

added Faq in documentation.

improvements in the code.

v 1.3 (14 May 12) added language support (.po and .mo files included).

added alternative to open bookshelf script (header or footer).

v 1.2 (6 May 12) added support for “shortcode” in popup.

added alternative script for resizing images (timthumb).

added field to add custom style in the content popup.

v 1.1 (29 April 12) added new feature – buttons_align (left, center, right).

added new feature – width in percentage and window resize (responsive layout).

fixed loop shortcode – Only list the selected categories.

v 1.0 (24 April 12) first release