Pinterest Automatic Pin Wordpress Plugin

Last Update
20 July 2013
Regular License

Descreption Pinterest Drives More Traffic Than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn Combined and this is why I did this plugin that will pin images in your post automatically to just install and forget your pinterest account as pinterest automatic will do pinning work for you .


Pin unlimited num of images: pinterest automatic pin plugin can pin from one image to all images in the post directly to your pinterest account

Post featured image as a pin Scheduled posts support: select images to be pinned and once your scheduled post is published it will be pinned

Automatic Image detection : the plugin auto detect images in your post then list them where you can decide which images should be pinned

Automatic boards detection: the plugin will auto detect boards in your pinterest account sothat you can chose which board you want to pin images to

Automatic link to your post : all pins are directly hyperlinked to your posts so once any pinterest user click on the pin it redirects him to your post on your site

spintax enabled:you can use spintax form for pin text like {awesome|cool|nice} and only one word will be chosen randomly with every single pin

default pin text and pin board : you can set a default pin text or a default pin board where all pins will be pinned so you don’t need to enter text everytime

100% ajax responsive interface

24/7 top notch support  via email or PM’s

Need Support, We Got You Covered The plugin include free support . Got a problem ? don’t worry we have a help desk setup just for your help . submit a support ticket and we always happy to help make you happy choosing our plugin

Please contact me before rating the item so we can fix any issue together. also if you have any question feel free to ask .

Change Log

version:1.4.2(21 July 2013)

code update : Pinterest changed and plugin updated to work with the latest change .

version:1.4.1(2 July 2013)

Bug Fix: Pinterest changed it’s login form . plugin updated to work with the new update without problem

version:1.4.0(6 June 2013)

New Feature: option added for auto checking the first image for being pinned . Bug Fix: essential security update addressed a security bug . special thanks to Nir Ber

New pinterst look support . old look no more supported

version:1.3.1(4 MAY 2013)

plugin now compatible with pinterest new look (old look no more supported)

version:1.2.4(8 JAN 2013)

plugin now compatible with the last version of wordpress 3.5

version:1.2.0(25 APR 2012)

Post featured image option addition Scheduled post support

version:1.0.1(25 APR 2012)

Update Boards issue fix

How to install ?

- extract downloaded file from codecanyon you will find a folder called “www” . open it and you will find .zip file which is the right plugin file that should be uploaded to wordpress.