WP Noter

Last Update
21 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

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WP Noter is a Wordpress plugin which allows you to store notes in your WordPress.

The notes are user based. Each user has its own notes. There are also global notes which everyone with edit post rights can see.

You can take a look at the live demo here Username: admin Password: admin


Flags for notes importance – You can mark your notes with three different flags. The flags are the importance of each note. The notes are ordered by importance.

Personal and global notes – Each user which can edit posts in the administration panel of WordPress can have its own notes. When you create a note only you can see it. You cannot see other users notes unless they are marked as global, which means everyone with posts edit permissions can read, edit and delete the note.

Import / Export tools – You have a tool which allows you to backup your notes and later import them to WordPress. This tool is useful when you move your website and do not want to lose the notes which you’ve created so far.

Notes cleaner tool – If you have a lot of useless notes and you do not want to delete them all one by one you can use the Notes cleaner to truncate the Notes database table. Be careful, because this will delete ALL the notes, not only your own notes.

AJAX based plugin – The plugin is based on AJAX technology, which means you will not see any page reload while using the WP Noter. You can access your notes on any page inside the administration panel and it will not force you to reload the page in order to use/save/edit/delete note.

Notes search – If you have a lot of notes you can always use the Search tool which the plugin provides. With just writing a few letters you can easily find any note you have.

Notes everywhere – Since version 1.4 the notes can be used in the administration panel and the front-end of the website. Can be easily translated. Read more here


WordPress 3.0+ PHP 5.0+ MySQL 5.0+



Notes are displayed on the front-end of the website when the users are logged in CSS minor fixes


Compatibility for WordPress 3.4.* jQuery 1.7.*


Localized plugin. This version includes Bulgarian translation Administrator has option to see all notes by checking the checkbox next to the search box (it is visible only for administrators) When editing other users notes you don’t become note owner anymore Filtered HTML. You can now write HTML code and get it visualized correctly


Subscribers can use the noter now. Previoulsy only editors and above could use it Security fix. Settings page is accessible only for administrators

1.0 – Initial version