
Last Update
24 February 2010
Regular License

Regarding support: This item has been on CodeCanyon for quite a while now. I am still happy to support it, however, I do not check CodeCanyon every day. If you require support please use the contact option on my profile page which will send me an email directly. Thanks.

Feedback provides easy to use, customisable feedback forms for your website visitors to provide you with their comments, suggestions and bug reports. Feedback comes with a special widget which can easily be inserted on every page of your website to allow your website visitors easy access to your feedback forms.

The widget is written in Javascript, but works without Javascript too. The feedback forms are written in PHP and send you an email upon form completion.

Please view the live demo.

Version 1.1 Features:

Visual updates to the widgets and to the forms, check out the demo Includes the referring URL in the feedback email, when the browser supplies it (not all browsers provide it and some anti-spyware software removes it) User agent and IP address included in all feedback submissions Now XHTML 1 .0 valid for all the form pages Scrolls back to top on validation errors Also: FeedBack works in WordPress, see a demo here! Feedback Widget

Feedback widget can be easily displayed on any page and provides an easy mechanism for your website users to give comments, suggestions and bug reports Opens feedback form in a ‘lightbox’ style popup Works best with Javascript but works without Javascript too Easy to add to your pages Display on left or right of page Customise appearance via CSS Customise Javascript properties via easy to use jQuery plugin architecture Feedback Forms

Comments form for collecting general feedback from your users Suggestions form specifically for ideas and suggestions Bug report form for errors in numerous (customisable) categories, also collects user’s IP address and browser details Where javascript is available, submits data in an AJAX fashion Separation of code via templates – easily edit forms using HTML Clean, easy to edit php files Form validation (currently server-side only) Sends you an email upon form completion with form details