
Last Update
4 February 2013
Regular License
Extended License

A content management system that allows you to create unlimited pages. It can be text, images you have uploaded, or video embeded from youtube, vimo, or other video site.

A comprehensive backend image management for you to upload, categorize and re-size your images.

A easy-to-use backend video management for you to embed video from youtube, vimo and other video site and categorize them.

A flexible backend page management for you to choose the image / video category to display on a page. A Tweet button and a Facebook “Like” button embed on the sidebar of each page.

A built in contact form for visitor to send inquiry email.

An editable HTML content footer where you can introduce more about you and your site and put in contact information and external links.

Social icon on the top right corner where you can link it with your social site.

4 different view modes in front end with flexible customization settings.

Ideal for Personal portfolio, Photography portfolio, Studio web site, Wedding album, Sharing ideas, etc.

Photowall Demo

Photowall Front end (view only)

Photowall Front end (trial)

Photowall backend (trial) (login: admin/admin) Photowall Features include:

Support multiple image upload Support multiple image categorization Embed video from video sites Support unlimited pages Social site linkage (Facebook,Twitter,Flickr,Blogger,Youtube,Picasa..etc) Photo search function Configurable photo resize Configurable frontend Editable HTML content footer Full function back end Multi-view mode in front end Photo enlarge effect view jquery powered tooltip Step by step installation Easy setup Clean PHP code and CSS Very easy to integrate to your website (basic php and css skill required) And much more!

Gallery Configuration:

Gallery top margin Gallery left margin Gallery width Thumbnail size Enlarged image size Padding between photos Thumbnail border color Thumbnail border width Thumbnail opacity Image sorted by: name or time Number of photos per page Enable / Disable Slideshow Slideshow speed