DVin WooCommerce Wishlist WP Plugin

Last Update
15 April 2013
Regular License

Good News! Now Wishllist plugin, Woocommerce Version 2 Compatible All support for this plugin is handled at http://limecuda.ticksy.com Say or vote on features you wish to have for this plugin at http://woocommercewishlist.idea.informer.com The WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin for WordPress allows your visitors/customers to add products to a personal wishlist that they may save to purchase later or share with their friends. Increase your conversion rates by allowing your customers to maintain a list of products they would like to buy. Increase the usefulness by allowing them to share it on tools they are familiar with: Email, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Customer Features

Allow user to choose whether to allow their Wishlist to be displayed publicly or kept private Easily share Wishlists with friends and family using Email, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest

Advanced settings to define messages and images that the user shares via email and social

Each Wishlist is given its own unique URL that is displayed to the user Effective when used in a full e-commerce site or is able to be used with WooCommerce checkout disabled

Non-cart enabled uses might be: event or equipment rentals, luxury goods, assembling a dream collection of products, or basically any item that is difficult to process the sale online

Visual Display Features

Allow the “Add to Wishlist” button to be styled by the theme or define custom text and background button colors

Same styling is available for the “Add to Cart” button that is shown on Wishlist page

Add custom CSS on settings page

Administrative Features

On single product page, choose from 3 different places for the “Add to Wishlist” button to display:

After “Add to Cart” button After product thumbnail After product summary

User can choose “Use Shortcode” to display where he/she wants using shortcode [dvin-wcwl-button].

On Wishlist page choose whether user gets redirected to cart upon adding a product to their cart, or stays on Wishlist page Supports product variations Translation-ready

Updates v1.3.3 Updated 07th March 2013 Woocommerce V2 Compatible Small translation fixes v1.3.3 Updated 29th August 2012 Added shortcode for the wishlist button. Now you can use [dvin-wcwl-button] to display wishlist button. Introduced Tabbed Panels for the admin panel for easy maintenance (IMPORTANT TO NOTE) Bug fixed for the shortcode, text written along with shortcode will display as intended

v1.3.2 Updated 20th August 2012 Fixed some of the translation issues v1.3.1 Updated 08th July 2012 Added filter "dvin_wcwl_custom_link_positions" to customize the link positions by mapping link positions to hooks. v1.3 Updated 01st July 2012 Added social sharing of Wishlist with Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest

Bug related to translation are done. v1.2.2 Updated 03rd June 2012 Translation Ready v1.2.1 Updated 23rd April 2012 Added Ajax functionality to show number of products in Wishlist.

Small bug fixes. v1.2 Updated 11th April 2012 PHP function added to know how many products are in Wishlist v1.1 Updated 04th April 2012 Admin can add products even without logging in.

Added products to wishlist will be saved into the user wishlist once user logs in the same session. Demo login http://wpdemo.bannersmonster.com/atpplugins/ User: testadmin pwd: pass1234 Requirements WooCommerce WordPress Plugin Credits WooCommerce WordPress

Advanced settings to define messages and images that the user shares with email and social Supports product variations