IMEXporter - CSV to MySQL importer & exporter

Last Update
27 March 2012
Regular License
Extended License

IMEXporter Complete CSV to MySQL importer/exporter. No more MySQL import and export headaches! This script is intended to be used in any application where a good CSV to MySQL import tool is needed. It has it’s own CSV parser, and with help of adodb it processes all the csv into your desired table. Here are some of the best features of IMEXporter. Export to CSV in conformance with RFC4180 . Three methods of import. Imports CSV files in conformance with RFC4180 . Included CSV validation utility. Check all CSV values against MySQL table columns before load in. Import direct – Takes a CSV file already in system and loads it to MySQL without any validations or checks. Interactive Import – Takes a CSV file already in system and starts a interactive (step by step) process of validation and checks before loading into MySQL. Fully Interactive – Same as above but with an included CSV file upload form. Lightning fast CSV load using MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE method, even when CSV columns do not match with Table ones. Easy to use. One liner. All HTML produced is valid XHTML with separate CSS file for styling. Uses adodb as an database abstract layer. Ability to import a CSV , using a column of it to populate multiple columns on the database. Makes use of the primary key on the table to update records. Complete localization files. Easy translation without coding. 14 examples provided. Well documented code.