Web Monitor Tool

Last Update
27 March 2012

This tool allows you to monitor multiple website in one application. It is a very simple tool and probably the best product out there for it’s price. some of the features include monitoring multiple sites on configurable time intervals. Logging, so you can see what’s going on even if you are away from your PC. Notifications, this app supports email and optional free sms notifications using your Google Voice account. Please note that the use of the sms notification feature is still subject to Google Voice’s Terms of Use and abusing it might lead to your Google Voice account being disabled. So if you are trying to use this feature, please create a Google Voice account solely for this purpose.

I have been using this tool to monitor my sites and it worked well for me. I hope to share this to you and give you the best product you can get with these features for its price.

I will be supporting this product diligently and will be releasing updates regularly for features requested.