HoverSlider - a responsive hover effect slider

Last Update
23 May 2012
Regular License
Extended License

HoverSlider Features

Use with images and add your custom HTML code (sliding from any directions) Global Settings and Per Slide Settings Ken Burns effect Responsive layout with skin support 4 skins with shadows Automatic slideshow with pause on hover function Preload function Touch control for mobile devices (iOS tested) yourLogo feature with link option SEO friendly HoverSlider API Cross-Browser Support (IE 7+, Safari 3+, iOS Safari, Chrome 3+, Firefox 3+, Opera 10+) Detailed Documentation



Added per slide settings to images Added per slide settings to HTML containers Added HoverSlider API Added many new features Fixed preloading glitch Fixed firstImage bug Fixed IE8 bug (pictures are changing now correctly) Fixed Canvas bug in Google Chrome 18 Fixed some other minor bugs


first release