FileIt - HTML to Word/PDF

Last Update
26 March 2012
Regular License
Extended License

FileIt will instantly convert the content from the text editor into a Word or PDF file. The item includes Documentation and will explane how to install and modify the script.

Easy to Install and Modify Explanations for both Converters on how to install and modify Includes CKeditor Includes TCPDF Includes Word converter file with only 11 lines A lot of PDF Costumization options from forms for your users Works and displays correctly on mobile devices Note that this is only if you have the editor on a seperate page or your website is also mobile compatible.

I uploaded a working Live Preview to a server. It might not always be up to date since it’s not a official Live Preview of this item and is originally for testing purposes.

If you have any questions about this Item then please leave a comment or mail me trough my Envato contact page.