Exit Through Facebook Like

Last Update
27 August 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Exit Through Facebook Like is a WordPress plugin that raises popup box once user clicked any outgoing links on you website. Popup box suggests user either to Like your webpage on Facebook for immediate redirection to target webpage or to wait some time to be redirected. Delay period, content and popup box parameters are configured through settings page. Settings page also has an option to exclude some outgoing links from consideration.

You know, Facebook has over 800 millions of registered users and this number is growing up. So it’s a second most visited website in the World. Could you imagine more successful spot to promote your website? Exit Through Facebook Like plugin will help to add thousands of fans to your WordPress site on Facebook. More fans is more traffic.


Boost traffic from Facebook: get more shares and increase traffic.

Handle outgoing links: popup box appears once users click outgoing links.

Highly customizable: set size, colors, opacity, background image and even edit CSS .

Modern popup box: shadows, round corners, etc.

WYSIWYG editor: edit content with visual editor.

Accept shortcodes: Insert any shortcodes inside of popup box.

Remember social visitors: plugin remembers users who already shared the page (using cookie).

Exclude desired outgoing links: if you don’t need popup box for particular links, you can exclude them from plugin consideration.

Set delay length: determine the length of delay period.

Caching plugins friendly: plugin uses PHP and JavaScript to avoid problems with caching plugins.

Easy to install: install and activate the plugin as any other plugins.

Translation ready: plugin might be translated to any language.

WordPress Best Practices: no any alerts from Plugin Check or WP_DEBUG. and more, and more, and more…

Installation 1. Install and activate the plugin. Once activated, it creates menu item “FB Like To Exit” under menu section “Settings” in left side column in the admin area.

2. Click left side menu “Settings >>> FB Like To Exit” and do required settings. Customize your popup box using WYSIWYG editor, set box size. Please look at the screenshot below to see what kind of settings you can do there.

That’s it! Enjoy using the plugin.

Support If you have problems regarding using the plugin, please contat me and I’ll help you.