Login Ninja

Last Update
14 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

protect login & register forms with captcha – test

automatically ban IPs that brute-force attack you detailed log of all login-related activities redirect users based on roles and usernames get email notifications for all login events protect site from brute-force login attacks

stop bots from registering manually ban any IP native, easy to use WP GUI detailed documentation

Online demo, examples and documentation

What are customers saying I love it! Auto-ban feature is a must for any site. Already have Security Ninja and I really feel my site is much more secure! – jus_a_girl

I have never been disappointed with a purchase I have made from WebFactory, and this is no exception. When used in conjunction with Security Ninja, you have offered me relative peace of mind with my sites security. – mavjarro


v1.50 - August 14th 2013 * WP v3.6 compatibility fixes

v1.4 - December 17th 2012 * WP3.5 compatibility fixes

v1.3 - June 1th 2012 * fixed some small bugs

v1.2 - March 25th 2012 * add color, text and noise options for captcha image * fixed some small bugs

v1.1 - March 21st 2012 * fixed 2 bugs (thank you mavjarro)

v1.0 - March 20th 2012 * initial release