PHP Search Engine & Crawler

Last Update
2 January 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Advanced PHP Search engine, with Full-Text search queries in BOOLEAN mode, and cURL page crawler.

Update 1.5 [1/2/2013]

Fixed a bug where in some cases the “Add URL” function from the Admin Panel wouldn’t work.

MySQL Full-Text search engine PHP Crawler (only for domains and subdomains) Various filters (including “exact match”) Option to order the results by relevancy Adsense ready, 3 ad units Top 15 most searched keywords Cross Browser compatible Includes a database with +40.000 domain crawled (most of them are Romanian domains) Massive Crawling (insert an array with domain names and they will be crawled)

Admin demo:

User: admin Pass:

(Note: it crawls only the first page, aka index page, of the websites, altough the script contains a massive crawling php ready to use for multiple sites. The domains wich don’t have a Title and Description or Body content aren’t indexed.)

Requierments: PHP 5+, MySQL and cURL library (it does use file_get_contents in case you don’t have cURL library).

Update 1.1:

Fixed a floating element, which in some certain situation could float to the right instead of left. Improved documentation on how to use the “Massive Crawler”.

Update 1.2:

Added possibility to delete an entry from results (see the Admin panel). Fixed other minor design bugs.

Update 1.3:

Added website Screen Shot preview. Improved both crawler.php (massive crawler) & addurl.php (normal crawler).

Update 1.4 [10/10/2012]

Added the possibility to manually add websites into the database, with custom title & description directly from the Admin Panel (so you can add any website, no matter if they got a valid html markup or not) Files affected: sources/admin.php, skin/admin/ (entire admin folder).