Unleash jQuery Responsive Accordion Slider

Last Update
29 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

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Version [1.1] The Slider is Now responsive Version [1.2] Improved response + open first slide on load option

Version 2 Completely rewritten. Large amount of public methods that can be called after initialization. 1 new Animation types for captions, ‘rotate’ animation retired SlideShow with control buttons. Ability to choose a slide to open when page is loaded. RTL support for RTL languages. Full Screen mode option. Lots of examples for illustration. Step by step documentation. Comes with some new different styles for captions and controls.


Responsive. Large amount of public methods that can be called after initialization. 3 Animation types for captions. Lots of Plugin Options for flexible custumization. SlideShow with control buttons. Ability to choose a slide to open when page is loaded. RTL support for RTL languages. Full Screen mode option. Lots of examples for illustration. Step by step documentation. Comes with some different styles for captions and controls. A lot of easing methods thanks to gsgd