WowBook, create ebooks with page flip

Last Update
10 April 2013
Regular License

WowBook is jQuery plugin that allows you to create a online publication(like a book or magazine) with 2 different page flipping effects.

Updated – 09/04/2013: New feature: Thumbnails bugfix : zoom wasn’t working properly in IE8 and viewing in documentMode IE7

Updated – 21/03/2013: bugfix : Chrome makes the cover ‘jump’ when you hover next to the cover’s border. bugfix : tap on the page border isn’t turning the pages

Updated – 11/03/2013: curl page corner on hover

Updated – 28/02/2012: support IE10 support jquery 1.9.1 bugfix on touch support. minor bugfixes on some edge cases. added configuration option ‘zoomMin’ Updated – 26/06/2012:

touch support on ipad: drag pages border and swipe to change pages. ‘hardpage’ effect uses 3D when available. bugfix: on IE, images inside a page can prevent the user from drag the page edge.

Features : doesn’t need flash 2 realistic page flipping effects, one for hardcovers and other for regular sheets of paper. supports all major browsers (fallback for IE7 and IE8) easy to use: create your content using HTML and CSS. deeplinking links work as expected: create a link to a page or a element inside the book, and the book will show the respective page zoom support browser’s back button slideshow keyboard navigation (configurable) mouse wheel navigation (configurable) API plays a turning page sound in browsers with support to the audio tag automatic page numbering