Pristine Slider: Pure CSS3 interactive slider.

Last Update
28 March 2012
Regular License
Extended License

[25/11/2012] Customer Support Update

Hello everyone! I have an announcement to make regarding customer support. It has been a hard couple of months for me and I was unable to provide support due to lack of time, but that will change. I want to thank all of my customers and to apologize for not providing support.

In an effort to provide super fast, quality support and to save precious time I have purchased a ticket support system which I’m installing as I write this. It will be available soon at and I encourage everyone to use it. The support forums at will be taken down shortly after the new system is up and running.

Thanks to everyone again for their patience and tolerance, I really appreciate it!


If you need support for this product, please do not use the comments section! Use the support forum instead.

Pristine Slider

Pristine Slider is a unique product, the first of it’s kind. It’s a fully interactive slider, written entirely with CSS, no JavaScript. That makes it incredibly light and snappy, it works on all modern browsers. And for our beloved Internet Explorer there is a JS fallback included, so no worries there. The slider comes with a PHP compiler that lets you customize everything related to the behavior and the interface and it generates all files that you need. And about the looks – you can easily style it with just CSS.

The slider with four effects built-in, you can see the all in action in the Live Preview:

Ken Burns Slide Fade 2D Transforms