PullOut Widgets for WordPress

Last Update
26 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Turn regular sidebar widgets into slick PullOuts. Unlimited possibilities – text widgets, galleries, videos, feedback forms, search and login forms, mega menus – any widget can be a pullout widget! Demo Videos Concept of the PluginVersion 2.0 OverviewPullout Triggers – Video #1Pullout Triggers – Video #2Pullout Triggers – Video #3Customizing Tabs – Video #4 PullOut Widgets Features

Unlimited pullout widget positioning on top, right, bottom or left side. Multiple pullout triggers:

on mouse click; on mouse hover; timer countdown; page count; when specified element appears on the screen.

Unlimited widget colors. 289 slick icons for pullout tabs. 32 sliding animation effects. Multiple styles for pullout tabs: square, rounded corners, borders, combination of the above. CSS3 vertical and horizontal tabs. Pullout speed control.

The plugin was successfully tested with WordPress 3.4 and jQuery 1.7.2 (which is included into the WP by default), and themes like Twenty Ten, Twenty Eleven and Genesis Framework. If you want to display pullouts on specific pages of your site, rather than on every single page – get Advanced Text Widget PRO. These plugins greatly complement each other. Requirements jQuery 1.7.1 or newer. Browser Compatibility The plugin was tested in all modern browsers including IE7/8/9. Shadows and rounded corners are not supported by IE7 and IE8. Vertical rotation of labels/tabs is not supported in IE7, IE8 and IE9.

Changelog v.2.9 Re-adjusted calculations of tabs positioning to make them pixel-perfect in different browsers. Updated JS code for compatibility with latest jQuery 2.0.3 and jQuery UI 1.10. v.2.8 Improved detection if widgets have IDs, which supposed to be created via register_sidebar() function. If ID doesn’t exist, PullOut Widgets adds an inner DIV wrapper for widgets with correct IDs. Fixed: phone detection wasn’t working correctly for deactivating the plugin on phones. Improved: On/Off switch for mobile devices is now can be set in wp-config.php file by adding define(‘POW_OFF’, false); or other preferred value (phone/tablet). v.2.7 Improved: removed dependency on jQuery.browser since it’s no longer exist in jQUery 1.9+. Improved: added condition to check if MobileDetect class exists. Seems like some users experience issues on plugin activation. Fixed: removed console.log() from the JS. Was creating an issue in IE7. v.2.6 Fixed: compatibility issue with WP3.5 Fixed: cookie wasn’t read correctly. New: POW_OFF setting in pullouts.php – allows to turn off the plugin for mobile devices (phones, tablets or all mobile devices). By default turns off plugin for phones only. v.2.5 Fixed: tab icons didn’t display in IE and Opera. Fixed: widgets stopped working in IE7/8. Some dimension getters were returning NuN, which weren’t correctly validated. v.2.4 Fixed: JavaScript indexOf() compatibility issue with IE8/7. v.2.3 Fixed: prevented animation queue build-up when triggering tabs during closing of the widgets.

v.2.2 Fixed: pullout ID wasn’t saved in pullout JS vars when used with ATW plugin. Fixed: pullout JS vars were output multiple times on the page.

v.2.1 Improvement: in some themes JS parameters of pullouts were not included into the footer. Moving wp_localize_script() function form footer solves this issue. This also eliminates dependency on wp_footer() completely. Improvement: IE9 support for vertical tabs. Fixed: Widgets with vertical tabs were invisible in Opera browsers. Fixed: Minor PHP notices.


New: Auto-pullout timer. New: Auto-pullout after visiting number of pages. New: Auto-pullout triggered by appearance of specified element on the page. New: 32 sliding/easing effects.

New: Custom styles:

background color; border color; text color; link color; tab offset along the side of the widget;

New: Customizable sliding/pullout speed. New: Customizable open/close tab labels. Updated widget settings dialog with all options organized into an accordion.


Fixed: icon preview wasn’t functioning when icon was selected for the first time within the options. Fixed: color picker wasn’t initiating when clicking on the color field on newly dragged into the sidebar widgets. This wasn’t happening with widgets which settings were saved at least once. Fixed: there were issues in IE due to overlooked console log declarations on my part that weren’t supported by IE. Improvement: forcing to use default jQuery library that is included into WordPress. This should help to avoid issues with themes and plugins that overwrite the default library with older versions.


Added on-the-fly wrapper for widgets if their original IDs are not in the theme’s markup. Eliminated the wp_footer() dependency. Added default positioning of the widget in case it’s not specified.


BugFix: Icons weren’t displaying in the pullout widgets options dialog.


Initial Release.