Contact Form Generator - Form Builder

Last Update
2 February 2013
Regular License

More Than 2200 Users! Thank You So Much

Contact Form Generator is a powerful form builder that enables you to create the most elegant forms in less than a minute.

Create your own contact forms, feedback forms, online surveys or event registrations and get responses via e-mail.

GREAT product. I’ve purchased almost every other form builder off CodeCanyon and yours is by far the best. Its the easiest to use and the most reliable. Great job!

- dutchess (purchased Contact Form Generator)

Click Here To Try It

Wordpress Version Available A WordPress plugin version of Form Generator is available here:

Create Elegant And Beautiful Contact Forms Instantly

Complete Form Customization : every element in the form can be modified Great Looking Forms : your contact form will match your website’s identity perfectly Quick Setup : very easy to install, no database needed, upload your contact form and it will be ready to work!

What People Are Saying About Contact Form Generator

This is by far one of the best form generators i have purchase and the support is amazing!

- fightforcreativity (purchased Contact Form Generator)

I’m really impressed by everything it does.

- gurustar (purchased Contact Form Generator)

Click Here To Try It

Key Features Include

Full Customization Of Your Form Design: Colors Typography Labels Inputs style Fields type A CSS file is provided with each form you create

Upload / File Attachment System : get the files uploaded as attached files in your admin notification message (a download link is also available for each file uploaded) Logo And Images : insert images in your contact form (upload available) Drag And Drop Form Building Interface: create your form in a few minutes Notifications : Admin notification Multiple recipients notification (CC and BCC fields available) Custom “From” inbox field User notification (delivery receipt, auto-responder)

Personalized Confirmation And Error Messages : write the messages displayed in the form in your own language Anti-Spam Protection : captcha system with 3 formats of available Contact Forms Archive System : each form you create is downloadable and archived on your server Contact Forms Compatible With Android, iPhone And BlackBerry Click Here To Try It

Complete Contact Form Builder: It Has Everything You Need

All HTML Standard Fields Are Included:     Single Line Text     Multiline Text     Paragraph     Drop Down List     Checkboxes     Radio Buttons     Submit Buttons     Titles And Labels 4 Advanced Fields Included:     Email field (email syntax validation procedure is included)     Calendar field (8 date formats available, multi-language with more more than 30 languages supported)     Time field (2 time formats available)     Captcha field (3 captcha formats available) Every Elements Of Your Form Can Be Changed And Customized

Change The Colors : a color picker is available for every elements in your contact form Change The Typography Change The Text Size Change The Inputs Style input font input width input spacing border width border color ...and much more

Change The Submit Button font color font size background color border color ...and much more

Drag And Drop Interface : organize and sort all the elements of your form in seconds

Email Notifications And Auto-Responder

Notifications : a copy of the collected data in the form is sent to your inbox Admin Notification : receive an email instantly when someone completes your contact form User Notification (auto-responder) : automatically send an instant message to the user submitting the form Customize The Notification Message The title of the notification message can be changed The text of the notification message can be changed

Custom Thank-You Page

Customize The Confirmation Message 9 Color Styles Available For Confirmation messages CSS file included with each contact form

Custom Error Messages

Customize The Error Messages 9 Color Styles Available For Error Messages CSS file included with each contact form

Logo And Images Upload Your Logo Or Any Image In Your Contact Form Insert Images From URL

Anti-Spam Protection

Captcha Protection System : captcha based verification system to ensure the message is sent by a person

Contact Forms Archive System Keep a copy of all your contact forms on your server

Compatible With Mobile Browsers

Mobile Browser Compatibility : the contact forms you create with contact form generator will work like a charm on mobile phones     iPhone     Android     BlackBerry

Easy To Install

Upload the form’s source files on your server and it will work out of the box A zip file is provided for each contact form you create

Updates And Change Log

11/11/2012 – Version 1.5 Full set of save/load/edit functions for your forms Alignment options for labels, checkbox and radio buttons The user notification message can be sent in plain text or html format and much more… 05/28/2012 – Version 1.4 New feature added: multiple file upload system / file attachment system New feature added: URL redirection option for the “thank-you” page New feature added: hover effects on the submit button 03/28/2012 – Version 1.3 New feature added: Cc and Bcc fields can be added in the admin notification message Improvement: multi-language support added for the calendar field (more than 30 languages supported) Improvement: Improvement: the email address of the person completing your form will automatically appear in the “from” field in your inbox 03/18/2012 – Version 1.2 New feature added: the name displayed in the inbox “Form” field is now configurable 03/12/2012 – Version 1.1

New feature added: images can be added in the contact form Improvement: a notification is displayed at the top right of the form editor if a new version of Contact Form Generator is available for download on Code Canyon 03/05/2012 – Version 1.0 First release of Contact Form Generator Click Here To Try It