Sound Recorder for iPhone

Last Update
16 March 2012
Regular License
Extended License

MAJOR Update to my previous version of Sound recorder now called iRec.

Support for iOS5 First major update is new graphic interface, now optimized for iPhone and iPad with Retina support.

Second, i’ve added a recording archive, now available for listening of your recordings and edit/delete functions.

Third, added a peak level meter for sound quality check, higher the better.

Fourth, now it’s possible to share your recordings over iTunes, download them and make an archive on Your computer ( i love Mac’s .

Overall, big update to the app itself and hope You will love this version even more

Maybe not the most original idea for an app since Sound Recorder comes as an default app on iPhone, but it was fun making it.

It uses an AVFoundation framework along with UIKit, Foundation and CG framework to run this puppy.

Principles are basic but working : Press the recording button, record starts. Anything you say or play in background gets recorded and storaged into created folder Library with an default name recording.caf. Stop button stops the recording process and closes the file generation. Play button pulls the data out of Library folder and plays it on speakers.

Microphone graphic taken from free for usage.

Hope You will like it!