jQuery Flipbook Slider

Last Update
19 March 2012
Regular License


jQuery Flipbook Slider is a lightweight jQuery plugin for flipping pages effect. It can be used with any content: text, html, iframes, videos, flash (swf) etc. You can customize it easily with CSS (background images, font family and color etc.). The plugin can be used for albums, presentations, books and notepads.

Album Demo Album Slideshow White Theme Jump Mode Vertical Demo


Works with any content: text, html, videos, iframes, flash etc… Flipping pages manually with drag’n’drop Horizontal and vertical layouts Automatic pagination Slideshow mode Works in all major browsers Easy to customize with CSS Compatible with jQuery 1.2.1 or higher

Updates on 03/20/2012

Flipping pages manually with drag’n’drop.

Updates on 03/10/2012

Two options were added for pagination. Several pages can be flipped together, or pages can be flipped one by one (as slideshow mode). Slideshow option was added: play / pause/ stop buttons.

Updates on 03/02/2012

First and last arrows added in pagination section. Pagination was updated. Added album demo page. Preloader image was added.