Connectgento jQuery PagePeel Extension

Last Update
13 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This extension is an update to our current PagePeel Extension. This version supports jQuery. It works with all browsers and includes some new features like, moving the pagepeel to the left of the page and to the bottom of the page.

The pagpeel extension also includes a nifty preview of your advert as the page loads to further entice your shopper to click and view your advert. A sample advert is uncluded. The extension s also comptible with the free samples included in the original PagePeel Extension

Installation Video Installation video is available here:

Changelog 12th August 2013 -Improved Installation Documentation -Added Demo URL to item description

Need Support Support for this extension is provided through Our Support Site . Please submit your question on Our Support Site , and my support agents will investigate and help you resolve the issue or question.

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Support If anyone want a support of my works, please post your questions or suggestions in item’s discussion board. I usually get back to your post within 24 hours (on working days Mon. – Fri.)

Please don’t use direct email for asking support, please use discussion board instead since it’s more helpful for other people who might have the same questions.