Viral Lock PHP - Like, Google+1 or Tweet to Unlock

Last Update
30 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Make your site go viral by requiring your users to Facebook Like, Google+1 or Tweet about your page to reveal premium content. Simply wrap the content you want to protect with the script and your content will be protected until the users shares your page. Viral-Lock is the first of its kind to combine Facebook, Google+ and Twitter to give maximal viral impact. More likes and tweets = More money for you.

Based on our Viral Lock plugin for WordPress the PHP version enables you to integrate the power of Viral Lock into anything. Anything you can put in a PHP file can be protected! Features Live demo Click here to try the live demo.

Also available for WordPress! Click here to check out the WP version. Key features Content is protected until the visitor likes or shares your page. User can either Facebook Like, Google+1 Recommend or Tweet your link to instantly show the content. You can lock anything that you can put in a PHP file. HTML, Text, Js, PHP, Videos, Images etc. Specify which link to share for each protected area or automatically use the current page URL. Custom “Share to unlock” message. Use the same or individual links for the different social networks. Users can write a comment with their Like or G+ for added exposure. A proven method for generating viral buzz for your site. More Google+1’s = Better Google ranking. Auto reloads when user has shared or liked. No manual refresh necessary! Simple copy paste install in less then 5 mins. No configuration required. Uses cookies to remember which users have already shared your link. Example usages Premium content e.g. tutorials, e-books and guides etc. Free download sites. Coupon site. Or any other content, links and much more. Make your site go viral today! Customer Testimonials

“Alright , In few words ! I’ve bought it – I’ve read it – I’ve integrated – I’ve tested it it taken less than 60 seconds doing all . It is awesome and perfect comes with very great documentation showing some lovely customization to be done with the class code. And to be honest i was afraid it might to be !~#$&*&^$@ impossible understand also i was thinking the price is little more higher But really i knew now it worth every penney paid unlike other complex viral lock scripts.” – PHPMoon “This is a great plugin.” – jspicher

Great documentation and copy paste examples All our plugins come with thorough documentation and working examples that you can copy/paste. Cross browser compatible Our scripts are W3C validated and tested in multiple browsers to make sure that your plugin always works great despite which broswers your visitors are using. Version 1.4 – 30/04/13 Extended the delay feature to include Google+ and renamed the parameter to just “delay”. Version 1.3 – 21/01/13 Added a new feature that give your visitors the opportunity to write a comment on Facebook with their like. More info Live demo Click here to check out the WP version. Support If you have purchased this item and need support then please write in our support forums and not in the comments. If you have a pre-sale questions then please use the comments section.