Simple Form Validator - PHP Class

Last Update
4 November 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Stop getting bored doing the same things. With Simple Form Validator handling form data will be fast and simple. The main goal of this script is to help developers during form validation, surely one on the most hated operations that a webmaster has to do.

Fast Implementation Validation process takes only few lines of code. You will validate a field just writing an easy array.

Validate Everything Simple Form Validator by default can validate a large variety of fields: from the simplest text input to uploads and array.

Common Validations

require a field Set the maximum and minimum characters allowed Set the allowed or forbidden values Match a field with another to (for example) verify a password

Numeric Validation

Set the maximum and minimum value allowed

Standard Field Type Validations

Integer number Floating number Negative Integer Number Valid E-mail European date American date (MM DD YYYY) ISO date (YYYY MM DD) Standard time (HH MM) Valid URL Valid Hexadecimal Color Valid IP Address Valid US ZIPCODE Valid US telephone

Array Validation

Set the maximum and minimum number of elements allowed

Upload Validations

Require an upload Set the maximum and minimum filesize allowed Set the files extensions allowed

And more, you can use regex expressions to do custom validations and also use OR conditions. See the validations in the live preview.

Get the form data Also get the field values is very simple. By validating the fields the class put their values in an associative array. Then if for example we have a field called “test”, print its value will be simple as write: echo $fv['test'];

The class comes also with a function that automatically escape all the fields values to prepare them to be inserted in a database!

Use your Validations If the default validations are not enough, you can get the field values, do your custom checks and create custom errors that will be integrated with the standards.

Localize The Errors Simple Form Validator has a built-in system that allow you to display multilanguage erroror messages. By default are included English and Italian language. In the package are included the source file and the instructions to create your own translation.