
Last Update
20 February 2012
Regular License
Extended License

    Syncron-wp-db is powerful admin(portable Wordpress control), and its very simple to use. It s a perfect solution for any Wordpress user because it has the ability to manage admin section, database, and hosting size. It also works great for consultants, project managers, and service professionals. Syncron-wp-db is a revolutionary admin control. Manage your content the way you want it. Using the latest technology to make everything easier, faster and safer.

Advantages – top

Syncron-wp-db allows you to centralize all of your Blog,Database and Hosting by combining ADMIN management and invoice management. Syncron-wp-db already has a simple, but effective interface you can easily use for any version Wordpress(admin-control).Syncron-wp-db is run on your own server which gives you full control over all aspects of it.

Control all Wordpress Blog's to your host!!! Protected to hacking (XSS attack and Mysql Injection)!! Easy to Syncron & Install Protect your database Full access and control all Table to your Database Wordpress Default user name & password Access to your Wordpress (user & password) into Syncron-wp-db(encrypted) Md5 encrypt(password) Chart(mode) dimension on your Database(Wordpress). Root Access -control your file hosting direct after you Login Edit any file to your Wordpress(website). Automatic configuration for your Permissions file. Design Control Use Username and Password for your Wordpress to login into Syncron-wp-db(md5 option) Precision Database Size(kb) Export Any "Word" to your data base 7 format!!!! Email. AND MORE....


Easy to install Easy to edit configuration file Admin dashboard to add and edit client information Full control over code User login page Upload/download files Discuss the project with client Client peace of mind knowing how the project is progressing Works in all major browsers (IE8 untested) Constantly adding new features and updatesTable Wordpress Control:

Comment(meta) Comments Links Options Post(meta) Post Term(relation) Term(taxonomy) Terms User(meta) Users

Features: Syncron(database) feature:

ADD - add new object DELETE - delete (object-row) after you select EDIT - content (object_row) COPY - copy (object_row) SELECT - select (object_row)-multiple(row) DUPLICATE - Duplicate (object_row)

Export Table feature:

PRINTER - default design EXEL - default design DOC - default design HTML - default design XML - default design CVS - default design PDF - default design Email - default design

Root Wordpress feature:

Server Info Create Directory Execute Command Config Compress Create File Shell Upload Permissions Ip All Inverse Delete Copy Move

Syncron Wp-Db Settings feature:

Syncron Title Syncron Url Syncron Path Db Host Db Name Db Username Db Password Table Prefix Disk Size(byte) Email Server Email Port Email Username Email Password Email Sender Email Recipient Upload File Size(kb) MySql Charset Admin Username Admin Password Default Login Users Wordpress Md5 encrypt Language Background Line Header Background Footer