Advanced Facebook Content Locker

Last Update
23 July 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Introduction Advanced Facebook Content Locker is a WordPress plugin that gives the ability to lock any page on your website & make it visible only if the visitor clicks the Like button, Increase you facebook page fans, URL likes & Drive more Social traffic to your website Features :

Create UNLIMITED number of content lockers Choose to apply on all pages or only pages that you select individually

100% customizable from the admin panel Create unique content lockers with different & independent configurations Supports HTML codes, lists, pictures & even videos You set all the timing options Supports all facebook button layouts & colors Automatically remembers if the visitor clicked the like button or not TinyMCE & WordPress’s color picker implemented Dramatically increases your fan page & likes = more social traffic

Supports Shortcodes = you can include content from other plugins width 0 probems !

Absolutly no need to edit any source code,everything can be customized from the settings panel


Choose to apply on all pages, all posts or select individually the pages you want Set Background color & font color Set Borders types, size and color Set Background opacity Choose the Facebook layout & color scheme Delay Timer Countdown Timer Show/Hide exit button Show/Hide countdown timer Cross browser Sharp/ Rounded Corners

Help & Support Please feel free to send me any question you may have, this item comes with a great documentation, but if you have any issue, don’t hesitate to contatct me. Changelog v 1.6 Updated to support the new facebook API update

v 1.5 Compatibility with WordPress 3.5 Fixed a bug when saving a content locker for a specific page

v 1.4Duration of the cookie updated v 1.3Resolved a jQuery conflict with some plugins v 1.2fixed a bug when saving new content locker on some mysql configurations v 1.1Comment box after clicking “Like” button is now disabled v 1.0first relase Testimonials My Lastest Items WordPress Videos Embedder PRO